Peanut Shell

Om International offers high-quality peanut shells, sourced meticulously to ensure freshness and purity. Ideal for various applications such as animal bedding, composting, and fuel, our peanut shells are cleaned and processed to meet stringent quality standards. Trust Om International for your peanut shell needs and discover versatile, eco-friendly solutions of the highest quality.

Leading Exporter & Supplier of Peanut in Shell (Moongphali) in India | Om International

Peanut In-Shell

  • Hindi: मूँगफली का छिलका 
  • Gujarati: નરિયળના ખાલ 
  • Arabic: قشرة الفول السوداني 
  • Portuguese: Casca de amendoim 
  • Dutch: Pinda-schil 
  • Spanish: Cáscara de maní 

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